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Сорта нарциссов: Molten Lava, Ocean Breeze, Gull
Сорта нарциссов: Molten Lava, Ocean Breeze, Gull
Вернуться назад - сорта: Trumpet Warrior, Inca, Berceuse, Hillstar
MOLTEN LAVA (Mitsch/Havens) 1987 3Y-YYR. L. 20" (Merlin open pollinated) MO 13/1. Fiery red cup rim of such intensity suggesting its name, combines witn the perianth preciseness derived from Merlin. A yellow scalloped cup with deep red rim and a rounded very smooth clear yellow perianth make a welcome entrance at the end of the season.
OCEAN BREEZE (Mitsch) 1981 6W-W. E. 12" (Titania x cyclamineus) G91/2. This might be described as a smaller whiter version of Ibis. A very precisely formed little flower with a nearly flat perianth but yet exemplifying characteristics of the species. The long crown opens pale yellow but soon goes to near white. Limited stock. |
GULL (Mitsch) 1979 2W-GWW. LM. 21 "(Easter Moon x 2/417 which is a Broughshane seedling) W65/2/7. A large clean white flower with a satin smooth finish. Both the perianth segments and the crown are rather longer than most flowers in its class. Nicely balanced show flower with green shadings at the base of the crown. Raised from seed sent here by Reginald Wootton some years ago.
Продолжение - Сорта нарциссов: Spring Morn, Pitta, Cedar Hills, Mistique
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